Due to continually improving healthcare, people are living longer than ever before. As the aging population grows, many people find that they want to stay in their own homes instead of moving to a retirement community or care facility.
This is called Aging in Place.
Aging in Place is a concept that combines access to healthcare and support as well as Universal Design principles to allow aging people to live comfortably and safely in their own homes for as long as possible.
One local company that is dedicated to helping people update their homes in order to Age in Place is ABLE Modifications in Long Island. Their motto is Access a Better Living Environment. They provide a variety of products to achieve this, including access ramps, accessible bathroom and kitchen modifications, lift systems, and their comprehensive "GrandCare System." This system provides congnitive assists such as reminders, and turning lights on and off, as well as the ability to communicate with loved ones and care providers over the internet.
A great way to add accessibility to your home is a Stairway Chair Lift or Home Elevator.
To learn more about Aging In Place, visit the National Aging in Place Council. The NAIPC is a senior support network put together by a collaborative group of professional service providers.